Wooden soundproof windows

Silence in our homes is of special value and customers are increasingly looking for windows that will not only provide thermal and aesthetic comfort, but also provide adequate sound insulation.

The CDM offer includes a number of acoustic windows, both wooden and wooden-aluminium, with different acoustic insulation parameters, which help to muffle unwanted sounds from outside the window and provide residents with peace and integrity. All our soundproof windows have been tested in an accredited laboratory and their acoustic insulation parameters are documented.

When looking for soundproof windows, you must be aware that in fact there are no windows with complete acoustic tightness on the market. Sound insulation of windows is measured using the Rw (C, Ctr) index, where the increase of this parameter means the improvement of the sound insulation of the window.

Wooden soundproof windows are the most popular single-frame windows, purchased by our investors and customers looking for acoustic solutions in window joinery. They are characterised by a soft line emphasised by the edges with a rounding radius of 6 mm. They are perfect for use in single and multi-family housing, as well as in public utility buildings. A version of the window with increased sound insulation can be made for each model from the SOFT-LINE, HARD-LINE and RETRO lines.

Depending on the thickness of the profile, in the case of wooden soundproof windows, the Rw index can be even up to 47dB.

These windows are perfect for very modern residential and public buildings. They are characterized by a simple,
ascetic – but very modern – design, suited to avant-garde and industrial interiors.

This window model is used wherever we want to emphasize the historic character of the building. We adjust the style of the woodwork to
the entire architecture of the building. The use of modern solutions, a variety of window shapes, motifs, the possibility of mapping
existing decorations, a wide range of colors, will not disturb the historic character of the building, its appearance – perfectly modern
blends in with tradition.

Wooden-aluminium soundproof windows combine all the best features of standard windows of this type with above-average acoustic parameters. The use of the natural wood material provides the windows with aesthetics, charm and high thermal parameters. Aluminium profiles on the outside of the window increase its resistance to unfavourable weather conditions and are resistant to various types of mechanical damage. When we add to this increased acoustic insulation, we get perfect windows! Beautiful, warm and quiet, and in high-quality workmanship, which ensures their durability for years.

Depending on the thickness of the profile, in the case of wooden soundproof windows, the Rw index from 34 to 46dB can be obtained.

We have been producing wooden doors and windows for over 20 years. We use modern technologies to make our wooden joinery of the highest quality. We execute orders that are typical and those that are extremely demanding. All that for the love of wood.

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